Jadhav claimed he was getting invitations from residential societies who want him to create awareness among the residents about waste management through his unique style.“Annoyed by their attitude, I decided to create awareness about the ill practice through singing.Videos of Jadhav holding people’s attention by singing while sweeping the streets have gone viral on social media. Recalling his experience, Jadhav said one morning he saw well-to-do people dumping garbage on roadside while out for a morning walk.
“We are planning to appoint him as our cleanliness brand ambassador for the Central government&wholesale PET injection molding machine39;s cleanliness survey, to be conducted by the civic body,” he added.. I twisted the classic Hindi song ‘Kajra Mohabbat Wala’ into ‘Kachara Sookha aur Geela, sabne mila kar dala, kachare ne leli sabki jaan re, gaur se suniye mehereban.“Since I have a penchant for singing and writing poems, I have been # using the same interest to create awareness regarding waste management and segregation of dry and wet garbage at source, and discouraging people from dumping garbage in public,” said Jadhav, who is attached to Waste Management department.The idea to recreate the old songs struck the 57-year-old employee of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) when he saw some “educated people” throwing plastic bags containing trash on roads in Parvati area while going for a morning walk..Pune: Pune-based sanitation worker Mahadev Jadhav’s unique style of parodying old Bollywood songs to discourage citizens from dumping garbage in public is earning him kudos on social media.
A key member of a PMC cultural group, Jadhav and his like-minded colleagues visit schools, colleges as well as housing societies where they perform skits and sing songs on the importance of waste management.’ theme forward, Jadhav adds, “Carry bag ye plastic wala, isko aadat kar dala, aadat ne le li sabki jaan, gaur se suniye mehereban’ (the habit of using carry bag has killed us)”.Jadhav’s senior Dnyanes-hwar Molak, who heads the PMC’s waste management department, said the former turned a social cause into a personal mission, which is a matter of pride...Taking the ‘Kajra Mohabbatwala.’,” he said
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